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Vizma Zvaigzne

The Latvian mezzo-soprano Vizma Zvaigzne is a versatile musician who performs in a wide spectrum of genres and musical projects, and is particularly interested in interdisciplinary projects and collaborations. Currently, Vizma is studying at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam with Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet. In 2019, she graduated from the Hanns Eisler Music Academy in Berlin, Germany. Prior to that, she studied Musicology at the Latvian Music Academy in Riga, Latvia, and at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, Germany.

She has appeared in various opera productions, is often heard as a soloist in oratorios, gives song recitals with pianist Justine Eckhaut and her chamber music ensemble Duo AUSMA, and has been collaborating for years with Berlin-based composer Katrin Vellrath, who often creates soundscapes for artworks and art installations. She is also a sought-after performer of contemporary music and enjoys working with composers to bring new works to life.

In 2019, Vizma made her debut in a concert version of R. Strauss' Die Frau ohne Schatten at the Berlin Philharmonic and in Bucharest, Romania with the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester and Rundfunkchor under the direction of Vladimir Jurowski. She also sang Mozart's Requiem in Vila-real, Spain as part of the Crea Escena festival, and was part of the opening concert of the Kirsten Flagstad Festival in Hamar, Norway.

Since 2021, Vizma Zvaigzne has also been the artistic director of the chamber music festival Tuvāk zvaigznēm in Latvia; from 2014-16, she was the curator of the contemporary opera cycle LULU for children in Riga, Latvia; and in the 2022-23 season, she has the honor of being one of the curators of the pre-concert series Echoes of Nothing at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ.

Vizma is grateful for the scholarship from the Richard-Wagner-Scholarship-Foundation and Yenudi Menuhin Live Music Now Berlin e.V.