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Pieter van Loenen

Pieter studied with Koosje van Haeringen, and later with Vera Beths in The Hague, where he gratuated with a 10. He continued his studies with Terje Moe Hansen in Oslo. Pieter won various awards at competitions such as the Iordens Viooldagen and the Davina van Wely Vioolconcours. In 2010 Pieter won the first prize at the national final of the Prinses Christina Concours. In 2019 he won the Dutch Classical Talent Publieksprijs.​

Pieter performed as soloist with orchestras such as the Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest, Nationaal Jeugd Orkest, Domestica Rotterdam, the Nederlands Studentenorkest, the Jeugdorkest Nederland, the Zuid-Hollands Symfonieorkest and the Hodonínský Symfonický Orchestr from the Czech Reublic. 

His duo with pianist Tobias Borsboom is very popular. He also works with ensembles such as the Amsterdam Sinfonietta and with the National Ballet.