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Haydn Jeugd Strijkorkest

The Haydn Jeugd Strijkorkest is a youth string orchestra with the ambition to reach a high musical level. The orchestra consists of violins, violas, celli and double basses and is conducted by Jan-Ype Nota. The orchestra is tracking and accompanying young talented string musicians from the age of 9 - 19 years old. 

The orchestra made concert journeys to almost all European countries, the United States, Suriname and the Dutch Antilles. The orchestra is introducing all aspects of classical music repertoire to their members: traditional, romantic repertoire as well as baroque and modern music. This results in many adventurous programs, both inspiring for the members of the orchestra as well as the audience. 

In the past the orchestra gave the opportunity to perform solo to young musicians who were then unknown but not established musicians, such as Janine Jansen, Sonja van Beek, Simone Lamsma, Marlene Hemmer, Nadia Wijzenbeek, Birthe Blom, Lisa Jacobs and many others.