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Floor le Coultre

Floor Le Coultre, winner of the Young Dutch Music talent title 2011, completed her studies with a distinction for "compelling musicianship" as a student of, among others, Ilona Sie Dhian Ho and Pavel Vernikov. She has established herself as a passionate and communicative musician, has won many prizes and performed all over Europe, China, South Korea, South America and the USA. In addition, Floor is a much sought-after chamber musician in various permanent ensembles (including the Hermitage String Quartet, Ensemble 150, Duo LeCoultre-DenHengst, Duo LeCoultre&VanHees and Duo Brackman-LeCoultre ) and during festivals such as the Stift Festival, Aurora Festival, Chamber Jam and Classic Con Brio.

In 2020 her debut cd with Guitarist Martin Van Hees was released, which was very well received.  She has performed as a soloist with various orchestras and since 2012 Floor has regularly worked with chamber music ensembles like LUDWIG and New European Ensemble. As a teacher Floor is connected to the Davidsbündler Music Academy in The Hague. She has been invited to teach at festivals like Aurora festival, Stift Musical Encounters and Cividale, Italy.

Her violin is a Gant/Lupot from 1813 and her bow a Tubbs from 1890.

Her viola was made by Matthieu LeGros in 2014. The purchase of the viola was made possible by ‘Stichting Eigen Muziekinstrument’.