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Erney Acosta

Since his musical beginnings, Erney F. Acosta has combined the specialities of piano, with Roser Berengueras and Núria Ruera, and composition, with Ramon Humet. In 2015
he won with the Duo Argyre the Chamber Music Honours Prize and in 2016 he graduated from the Professional Conservatory of Music of Vila-seca winning the Honours Prizes in
the specialities of piano, harmony and chamber music. In 2020 he obtained the Bachelor Performance Degree of Piano at the Conservatori Superior del Liceu under the guidance of Alba Ventura. Currently, he is studying composition with Ramon Humet and Octavi Rumbau as a scholarship holder of the Ferrer-Salat Foundation.
As a composer, he has won the PluralEnsemble's Young Composers 2022 Competition. He has received numerous commissions and has premiered works for ensembles such as
Orquesta Händel, Coral Nova Unió, Delia Quartet and Trio Kórena in auditoriums such as Auditorio Josep Carreras in Vila-seca, Espai Turina in Seville and Auditori de Zaragoza.