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Donat Kuti

Donat started playing the piano at the age of 5 and organ at the age of 10. He was accepted in the young talent class in organ at the KUG Graz – Institut Oberschützen. He continued his organ studies at the Joseph Haydn Konservatorium in Eisenstadt, and graduated with “Auszeichnung” in 2022. Currently Donat studies the master program at the Prince Claus Conservatoire in Groningen. He has followed several masterclasses in Austria, Germany, Hungary and in Sweden with well known organists. Donat performed in countries such as  Austria, Germany, Hungary and France and he was organist and pianist at the parish of Wiesen, in Austria. Donat works as a piano teacher.

Besides that Donat studied at the Akademie Media in Vienna and received a Diploma in sound engineering.